Ten websites Bloggers Can use to Improve their Blogs-Ten Free Blooging Tools for bloggers

Most people always start a blog without considering other things needed to make a blog complete. Sometimes they feel frustrated when they discover you have to pay for some products/tools to make your blog unique. This is the reason why some people quite blogging. In this post you will discover some of this things which you need to get you blog up to date, from some website around the world.
1. sumome.com
Sumome.com is a site that offer free tools for website owners. The site is easy to use . You need to install just a single line of code to have access to all the sumome tools.
  Bloggers can use sumome.com in the following ways;
 i. Create subscription forms and pop ups.
ii. Analyse web traffic with Google ana;ytics,content analytics and heat maps
iii. Create sharing buttons and  highlighters.
iv. Get back links using discover traffic and
v.Create contact forms for your website

 Zoho.com is a website that helps businesses to boost their sales and manage their activities. You can benefit from the following among the tools on zoho.com:

i. Create surveys
ii. Manage subscribers using zoho Customer relationship management(CRM) tool.
iii. Create a custom email e.g(ransom@ransbiz.com)
iv. Create email campaigns
v. Create subscription and contact forms for your website.
    The zoho suit contain more than 20 tools. There are more toole you can get from this site. visit to zoho.com and discover more

This website provide free  optical character recognition tool which can be used to  convert an image to text.    This is done in three steps:
Upload image==Select the languages on the image===And click on Start.

4.   google.feedburner.com              

Google feed burner enable your blog visitors to get updates right in their mail box. All you need to do is to sign up , get code and paste on your website.

5. wordpress.org
This website provide  a free software for creaing blog,websites and apps. You can alo get free themes and plugins to give your website another look on worpress.org.

6. gmail.com

Gmail is a free email service provided by Google. Every blogger need this email for at least one of the following reasons;

1. You can use the email to sign up  for any other service on most websites.
2. a Gmail email can be used to create free hosting account on  blogger.com
3.  a Gmail account is a requirement to create google plus profile page
4. You need a Gmail account to Communicate with your blog followers
5.You need a Gmail account to upload videos on youtube.
        The advantages of a Gmail account are huge. You need this account to access almost every google service.

 7. Bannerfans.com
Banner fans is a website where website owners can  create banners of various sizes online.
Bannerfans users need to do the following to get their banners ready;
signup/in==>custmize banner==>get html code and paste on your website.If you consider monetizing your blog  with ad banners, then bannerfans is  a good place to start.
8. pixabay.com
Pixabay.com provide thousands of searchable images,illustrations,vectors and videos
 These images are free of copyrights under creative commons. Bloggers can get images and modify them to suit their post. Since most bloggers are writers,editors, designers and more, pixabay.com will be ideal in saving time.
picjumbo.com is another great site for free images for your blog/website.

9.  addthis.com
Add this  provide website owners sharing tools. By installing add this script on your blog, your content can be share to over  300+ website including whats app. Bloggers can get sharing buttons for post  or floating sharing buttons for blogs.Today social sharing is important in determining how popular a blog or website is. It is thus important getting the best social sharing buttons for your website.
Every blogger needs to grow  his/her social media  presence. while there are some websites that help manage a single social media account, hootsuite.com allows you to manage your Facebook,twitter,Instagram,google plus,YouTube,four square and LinkedIn accounts in one place. With a hootsuite.com account, you can:

i.Automate post from your blogs to social networks  with  the RSS  feature.
ii. schedule messages to be posted  when you are not available
iii. Monitor your social media growth
iv. Follow up topics of interest across all your social networks
v. Learn about social media with the hootsuite  univdersity feature.
                      Hope these websites/tools will be useful to you as you pursue your career as a blogger. Feel free to share any other tool/website that can benefit bloggers.

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