Adding Adsense inside post ,at end of the post body and other positions after the post.

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In my last post, i share with you  How to Add Adsense Ads inside your Blog post Below Post title for blogger blogs.
           I got a lot of emails asking how to add adsense after post body. Today, we are going to see another way to place adsense inside your post, this time around at the end of the post. This is an important position since readers always ask the question ''what next?'' after reading a post. We will also see other options to consider when implementing an ad code after the post body.
 step1: Back up your blog
 step2: Go to blog template and click on edit html
 step3:   search  
div class='post-footer
step4: Get adsense code==>; parse and modify it as follows.

-Paste the ad code on an HTML editor such as notepad 
-remove the  comment in the code.

This comment contain the name of the add Unit.

Look for something like this and delete.
If you can’t do this then read 
 step5: Paste the code below this line of code
                        div class='post-footer'

  Here are some other options to consider.
   To display the ads below or above related post, search for

'Related Posts with Thumbnails Code End'  and ;
-add the ad code below if you want it below related
-add above it if you want the code to display above related post.

   You can as well add the code below or above any of the following

To show your ad on the page footer, search for
       div class='footer' 
and paste the code,above it. 
        In the last tow post, we have seen how to add the ad code either at the beginning of the post body or after the post body. what if you want the post to show inside the post body?
    How to Enable Adsense inside post body
 To do this, Get you ad code,parse and minify it and following the steps below. 

1. Go to your post editor/Click on the post you want to show adsense ad.
2.  Click on html
3.   Paste this code  any where on  the line you want to show the ad.

 4. Replace ''Adsense code'' with your  real ad code
Click post/update post and your ad will be live in some few minutes.
  Do you another method on how this can be done?


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