How to Make Your Zoom Meetings More Engaging

Since the pandemic hit the world last year, every individual had to adapt to online meetings. Even though you’re unable to meet with your colleagues and customers in person, it doesn’t mean they’ve to be tedious and boring. Currently, Zoom meetings are taking the correct steps to make sure you run efficiently while keeping your audience involved. This article will talk about six best practices to make your Zoom meetings more engaged. 

Be Ready and Test Everything in Advance 

While it looks like an unimportant step, not every person prepares time for this vital step; unluckily, it can be frustrating if your audience is left unattended. At the same time, you're busy trying to find out why your audio is not operating accordingly or how to share your screen. If you want to make sure that everything runs efficiently, always prepare yourself a few minutes before your audience arrives so that you'll be sure that you've established everything appropriately and that you're ready to begin the meeting. 


Your preparation needs to include files and tabs you intend to show your audience so that you don't need to hunt around for anything during the meeting. Furthermore, you can test business headsets to make sure they are working correctly so that you’re able to hear everyone clearly during the session. 

Ensure Your Audience Know How to join and What to Anticipate 

Even though most activities have gone online, most individuals aren’t into Zoom-savvy as you might suppose. Therefore, you must offer clear instructions to your audience so that they can follow to be ready. They’ll require to turn on their cameras and ensure they can see themselves. If you need to use some of Zoom's advanced functions like break-out rooms and polling capabilities, you'll need to instruct your audience to download the applications instead of joining the meeting through the Zoom site. 


Also, you must send a plan to your audience in advance. It allows every member to know what diverse activities individuals will involve in and who is presenting what. It as well keeps you and your audience on time and track. 

Ensure You Turn off Your Notifications 

Calendar reminders, internet calls, message notifications, and new emails can all be interrupted if they continue to pop up while you’re sharing your screen with your audience. There are different methods to make sure you switch off your notifications and that you won’t get any surprise notifications depending on your machine’s operating system. Ensure you check each  

of them before you begin to share your screen. 

Utilize Chat and Polls to Improve Engagement 

Are you doing something like reinforcing the best techniques or training in a meeting? Polling is a better technique to keep your audience engaged. You can send some info, then halt the polling tool for a quick pop quiz. It reinforces what every member is learning and a welcome break from a lot of talk-heavy content. Additionally, Zoom’s chat feature works better if you’re engaging with a massive group of individuals. It permits individuals to ask questions and allows you to post notes concerning the topic and underline essential points. 

Use Break Out Rooms 

If you have a minimum of five individuals or more in the meeting, you can manually or automatically allocate some of them to any of Zoom's break-out rooms. In that case, you can offer your audience some privacy to rapidly talk about the presentation and return to the rest of the group with opinions, comments, or questions. 

Have a Contingency Strategy 

There’re some times during the meeting when things may go wrong, and you’re unable to control them, such as dropping of your internet connection. When you're conducting an appointment, you are required to be ready for anything. For instance, you need to have an assistant who can run the meeting if your computer experiences problems, the internet goes out, or any other problem arises. Therefore, you might not even identify a challenge, so look for someone who can effortlessly control things should the worst take place. 


Even though the above-mentioned efficient practices aren’t rocket science, adhering to these practices is essential each time you conduct a Zoom meeting. That's because it's the only technique you can apply to make sure you're running an engaging, professional meeting that makes the most out of your audiences’ time. 


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