How To Solve All In One WP Migration Failure Problem

All-in-One WP Migration import stuck problem
All-in-One WP Migration import stuck at 0% is a very common problem. It happens, over and over again. Whenever you decide to migrate a WordPress Testing Website to the production, you decide to use All-in-One WP Migration Plugin – one of the most used Migration Plugin for WordPress – to “Export” a .wpress file, and “Import” it from the Production WordPress Installation.
Although the Internet Connection is good, and it’s a fairly new WordPress Installation without any installed plugins, the import might be stuck at 0% or 100% or any other number, and it’s a very common problem with that plugin.
I am not sure why the plugin developers didn’t address/fix it until now, but here’s how I solved it:

I used “backups” instead of “import”

“All-in-One WP Migration” plugin has 3 options;
  • Export
  • Import
  • Backups
Stop trying to import your .wpress file using the “Import” option, let’s use the “Backups” instead, by following these steps:

1) “Export” your .wpress file

First of all, make sure to use the “Export” option to have a .wpress file available locally

2) Login to FTP

Using FileZilla or any other File Transfer Protocol Software to access the Hosting Files of your Production Website.

3) Upload your .wpress to the “backup” directory

Go to the “backup” directory of the All-in-One WP Migration Plugin; wp-content/ai1wm-backups/

4) Restore it

Now, go to your WordPress Dashboard > All-inOne WP Migration > Backups, and you will find the uploaded .wpress available there… Click on the “Restore” option!
All-in-One WP Migration - Backups
After a while, you will get this lifesaver popup… Click on “Proceed” to continue:
All-in-One WP Migration - Proceed
A few seconds/minutes later, everything is done!
Your data has been imported successfully

Restoring a backup is available via Unlimited extension!

In case you’ve updated your All-in-one WP Migration Plugin, or even you installed it recently, you won’t be able to use the solution above, and you will get this annoying popup:
Restore functionality has been moved to a paid extension
To fix it, you need to use a previous (a little bit older) version of the plugin, let’s do it together:
  • Deactivate & Uninstall your current version of the plugin
  • Download the older version of All-in-one WP Migration Plugin V6.77, and unzip it
  • Upload the unzipped directory via FTP to wp-content/plugins
  • Go to your WordPress Dashboard > Plugins > Installed Plugins
  • You will find the plugin there, but it’s not activated, so you need to activate it first
  • Apply the solution we mentioned above, and it will works perfectly fine!
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