Hospitals and clinics may directly procure these products as necessary to provide for the infants in their care |
CAPE TOWN, South Africa, April 9, 2020/ -- The regulations published by the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs under Government Notice 318 of 18 March 2020 were amended by regulations as published in Government Notice R398 of 25 March 2020 as well as by regulations in Government Notice R 419 of 26 March 2020. The regulations published on 25 March 2020 included, under paragraph 6(a), the following inclusion as an essential good: “(iv) Products for the care of babies and toddlers.” Following requests for clarification, we confirm that this provision includes baby clothes, blankets, towels and other essential accessories for new-borns, infants and toddlers up to 36 months old. To ensure the effectiveness of the lockdown in containing the spread of COVID-19, all stores that are currently permitted to remain open for the sale of other essential goods, including supermarkets, may therefore sell these products. We have been in contact with the CEO’s of the large retailers, who have undertaken to sell these products at prices which simply cover their basic costs of production and distribution for the period of the lockdown. Hospitals and clinics may directly procure these products as necessary to provide for the infants in their care. Any further queries in this regard may be directed to the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition. Issued by: Department of Trade and Industry SOURCE South African Government |