Mali is among the last countries in Africa to have registered positive cases, despite the preventive measures which have been taken by the authorities
PARIS, France, April 10, 2020 / - The UNESCO Office in Mali is active in supporting UNESCO clubs and Miss Science to play an essential role through a digital information and awareness campaign in national languages , via the creation and animation of online platforms (WhatsApp and Facebook).
Since the appearance of Covid-19 in Africa, Mali is one of the last countries in Africa to have registered positive cases, despite the preventive measures which have been taken by the authorities. As of Tuesday, April 07, 2020, Mali has 56 officially confirmed coronavirus cases, including 6 deaths and 12 patients cured. To limit the spread of the disease, the government of the Republic of Mali has decided, following the Defense Council on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, to close all schools in the country for at least three weeks. Social, sporting and cultural gatherings of more than 50 people are also prohibited, as well as the closing of dancing bars and nightclubs.
To support the effort of the Ministry of Health, in the fight against the spread of the coronavirus in the country, His Excellency Ibrahim Boubacar Kéita, President of the Republic has decided to allocate a budget envelope of nearly 12 million dollars. Following the announcement of the measures taken by the Malian government, the United Nations system, which is very involved in Mali, did not wait long to lend its support to the Government by signing this Monday, April 6, with the Ministry of Health and Social affairs three memoranda of understanding for a total amount of 3,500,000 US dollars, funded by the UN (MINUSMA and country team) that will provide an integrated and rapid response to the Covid-19 health crisis.
"These projects are support for the Government of Mali to respond quickly and effectively to the Covid-19 pandemic. With the implementing partner, the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, we must ensure that the epidemic is contained with this donation of equipment and training while continuing prevention as well as awareness-raising, ”said Mahamat. Saleh Annadif, Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations and Head of the United Nations family in Mali, during the signing ceremony of the protocol.
The UNESCO Office in Mali works to support the decisions taken by the government of Mali, in synergy with the United Nations system in Mali, in particular in favor of education, including the production of educational materials through radio and TV, to guarantee the continuity of learning will be a first major step, but also the use of the country's societal values through communicators, female leaders, youth associations and traditional leaders, but also religious leaders.
As part of the implementation of the national communication plan for the response to COVID-19, the UNCG group which brings together all of the United Nations communication officers, therefore UNESCO contributed to the development of the communication plan national. To this end, the Bamako Office supports UNESCO clubs and Miss Science to play an essential role through a digital information and awareness campaign in national languages, through the creation and animation of online platforms (WhatsApp and Facebook).
During this critical period when people remain confined, with its corollary of all kinds of abuse, UNESCO is also initiating major awareness campaigns against gender-based violence, through local radios. It should be remembered that all of these actions will help achieve the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3: enable everyone to live in good health and promote the well-being of all at all ages.
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)