Google Site Kit Wordpress Plugin : How To Download and Set up

Google site kit is a  word press plugin that  will help those who own word press websites to stay up to date with their data and performance of their site and ads.

This  announced during the WordCamp US in 2018 will have dashboard where  you can check data from Adsense,Google Search Console,Google Analytic, PageSpeed Insight just in one place.  While in search for a wordpress plugin to use on one of my word press website i stumbled on Google site Kit and decided to to use it on my site.
I will share with you how  i set it up to work on my website  to have adsense, google console and analytic all accessible on one Dashboard.

                              I. Downloading Google Site Kit.

 The first thing i did was to search the site kit website and found it at . On this website i was able to download the plugin by scrolling down the page.

                           II. Installation and Activation 

After downloading the app,  i installed on my site juts like any wordpress plugin  on my word press site .

 Upon successful installation,  I activated it and got the success message like the one below. I was excited though. my first plugin from google activated wow!

After this, i clicked on the Set Un button highlighted in blue on the screen shit to proceed. 
on the new ''Page that open. There are 5 steps to complete.                                                                    1. Client ID 2. Authenticate 3. Verify URL 4. Connect Search Console and  5 Finish lol😋

scroll  down to the message that reads as follows:

                 Welcome to Site Kit beta for developers.
To complete the setup, it will help if you're familiar with Google Cloud Platform and OAuth.If that sounds like you, get started by creating a client configuration on you paste it below, it will be valid for all other plugin users 
                 III. On Google Developers Website 

 Click on the link , on your dashboard and a new tab will open ( the Google developers website )

    i. Project Name    ii. Application Name    iii. support email  and      iv. Redirect URL 

Click on the Get Oauth Credential s and accept the conditions by clicking ''Yes''.
 Once  Google does the ''Magic'' you will get  message that your project is ready ''Yaay !!!''' . 

Ger the code and go back to your word press site on the plugin tab and paste it  on the ''Client configuration app just below where  you clicked on the developer link. 
Click on Proceed  to Complete 1. Create Client ID

                       V.  Linking Plugin and Google Account 
Next stage will be to  you will be asked to sign into Google. Sign in and follow the instructions to:

 2. Authenticate, 3. Verify URL and  4. Connect Search Console. 
 Yupii. I succeed in doing this.  You will see a success message on your word press dashboard with the Site Kit Dashboard in Blue. 

                                    VI. Connect Google Services 
Click on Dashboard and connect other services like Adsense , Google Analytics,
 NB : If you currently have an active Ad sense account,  Google will automatically place ads on your website. 

That is  how it went down with me installing, Activating and Using the Google Site Kit Plugin😍
Did this go the same way with you? Share you thoughts in the comment section. 

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