MTN |Orange|Nexttel Promotions For Calls|Sms and Internet

If you are in Cameroon , then it is common to get updates from your telecom company about special offers during week ends, festive periods among others.  It is never easy to save some of these messages. 
   Some people find it too expensive to call because  of the lack of information (Bonus news). In this post we will be updating you with all the promotion codes for calls, messages and internet in Cameroon for MTN , Orange and Nexttel Cameroon.
 Also feel free to contact us or comment if you have a special subscription code for calls.

                   MTN Promotions for Calls, Sms and Internet

 1. To get access to MTN freedom, dial *702#
With this bundle, you can benefit from unlimited sms, airtime,interent and free social media browsing(Facebook, whats app,twitter and google plus) for up to 30days.
2.  To activate  MTN easy booster, dial *167#.
This tariff offers 100 percent bonus to calls and sms to MTN mobile numbers.
3.  To have free calls between 11PM and 5 a.m(MTN 4ME), Dial *123*1#
4.Get  a new MTN Sim card and receive 500 SMS, free calls and benefit from 100 percent bonus for every refill( December 2015)

                  Orange Promotions for Calls, sms and Internet

1. To Get bonus for your internation calls, Dial   #131*4#
2.  To get access to Orange Plenty , dial   # 141#
3. To call for  15f per minute, dial   #131*3#
4. With 50 FCFA, benefit  communicate on whats app ,twitter and Facebook by dialing #195*3#
5.To enjoy facebook with no interent, dial #186#
Make sure you send your Facebook email and password to 8986
You will be able to update your status,reply to comments and chats. You will not be able to post photos.
6.Get a new Orange sim card and benefit from free calls every week end. 50 percent discount  when ever you recharge your account.
7. Dial #131*1# to subscribe to unlimited SMS .
You have to choose per day, per week or per month subscription.
8. You can win a smart phone whenever you call. To subscribe, dial #131*7*2#

                        Nexttel Promotions for Calls, sms and Internet

1.  To get up to 400 percent discount,  for calls, SMS and internet, subscribe to the ECO -PACK by dialing *805#
2.To have unlimited calls from Saturday to Sunday, dial *860*24#
3. Dial *804* number*1# to register your favorite number.
You can have up to 12 favorite numbers, 6 nexttel  favorite numbers and 6 other numbers from the other companies.
4  You can multiply your credit by 5 using the following codes
  100F =500F  bonus using *860*21#,
 200F =1000F bonus using *860*22#
 500F=2500F bonus using  *860*23#.
5.   Dial *860*24# to get unlimited calls and sms evey week end. The cost is 300 FCFA.
6.  To get 25000 FCFA for 2000 FCFA, Dial *860*28#
7. To have 800 FCFA at 250 F. dial *860*25#
8. To get 1800 FCFA Bonus for 500FCFA, dial  *860*26#
    If you are in Cameroon, share with us any other subscription code you are using and  the advantages. Make use of the bonus code and share .
9. To  make calls to nexttel numbers at 15F per minute, dial *805*2# before any recharge.
                        2016 Nexttel Promotions
10.   Hello, here is the latest Nexttel promotion for 2016. With 300 FCFA , Get unlimited Calls and SMS to  Nexttel numbers. The code to use is *860*24#
11.  To get 4 times your credit , Dial *805# before any recharge. This  means if your recharge 250 FCFA, airtime, you will get 1000 FCFA. you can use this credit to call all networks in Cameroon.

           These are the  subscription codes we have as of now. Please feel free to share other codes in the comments or send them via email.

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