How to Pay Online In Cameroon With a Credit card or Pay Pal and others

Online payment in Cameroon had been a challenge over the past years. However with the growth in technology , the world is getting open to all.
Many Cameroonians had been challenged with their online businesses  because they cannot pay online. Today, we are doing to discover  how payment can be done online in Cameroon.
Let us get started.

Payment with Credit card

So far as online payment is concern, this is the main thing you need in order to  do a successful online payment. For example if you have a Net teller account in Cameroon, you will need a credit card to verify that account. It is very important to have a credit card if you want to make you online transactions comfortable.
Most banks in Cameroon offer credit cards(VISA) , How ever using them online is never easy. Not all banks offer online friendly cards. Here are the types of credit cards you can i have seen people using in Cameroon; VISA, Master Card and Union Pay. The most popular credit cards in Cameroon are the UBA credit cards and BIACASH Cameroon credit cards.

 The next obvious question is how do i get a credit card Cameroon?
      You can decide on how to go about this, visit any  bank such as BICEC, ECOBANK, UBA,Afriland, SGC,SCB among others and submit your request.
  If you want to save time filling long forms  you should  consider using the BIA CASH visa card
ALSO READ:How To get a credit card in Cameroon
 So after having a credit card, how do you do the Online payment with credit cards?
 On websites that accept credit cards, you can use your card directly by entering your name, credit card number and Card verification code/value(on some websites.). If you card is a valid credit card, you payment will be confirmed.
        Sometimes, it is not good to expose your credit card details on all websites. To avoid  this, you can consider sing alternative online payments options such as pay pal, solid trust pay, skrill, netteller, bitcoins,perfect money and among others.
           What about ACTIVATING PAY PAL? Click here to read more
     In this post, credit card /debit cards are used interchangeably.  However, it is important to note that a both can be used to make online payments. With a debit card, you need to have a bank account from where money can be deducted whenever  you do online payment. However with a credit card you pay  depending on how much you have in your card. You don't actually need a  bank account to get such cards.

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